Specialists in Resin Flooring Solutions

Our Services

At ActiCrete, we offer a range of resin floors for you to choose from. Resin flooring can be used in domestic, industrial and commercial settings, and there is a variety of options so you can select the one that suits the needs of you and your location.

There are many benefits to having Resin flooring. For example, our polyurethane flooring is extremely heat-resistant, being able to withstand direct temperatures up to around 120 degrees.

Types of flooring we provide



Anti Slip or
Anti Skid Systems

Oil or Chemical


Resin Systems

Floor Screeds

Hard wearing | Slip-resistant | Abrasion-resistant | Scratch-resistant | Shock-resistant | Heat-resistant | Chemical-resistance | Water-resistant

Another popular choice for food environments, such as industrial kitchens, is epoxy flooring. This is because it is very hygienic, being resistant to bacteria and germs and easy to sweep and clean. Additionally, food and drink does not stick very well to epoxy flooring, so it will not easily stain. Additionally, epoxy flooring is slip-resistant, making it a perfect choice for busy working environments.

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